The country, state, and city where you want to perform a wedding ceremony have specific rules about the process you must follow in order for the marriage ceremony you conduct to be legally binding. States and cities most commonly require you to file evidence of your ordained status with a public office and sometimes also ask you to pay a fee. You should always call the local County Clerk in the place where the wedding ceremony will be held to find out the specific requirements. To make sure you don’t miss any important steps, please look over our free Officiating Your First Wedding guide, available in your Minister’s Dashboard.
In the United States as an ordained minister of The Satanic Temple, you will be able to log into your account on this website and view our long list of free online resources to help you with these ceremonies.
If you do not live in the United States being ordained by The Satanic Temple will not allow you to legally perform marriages. Please reach out to your local congregation leadership for what additional requirements are needed to perform marriages in your country.