The Satanic Temple values the privacy of its members and never shares membership information for any reason. This is true across all parts of the organization: we do not sell or share contact lists, congregation member lists, volunteer lists, lists of our ordained ministers, or any other lists of names or contact information.
When you become a member of The Satanic Temple by signing up on the main website, your name is added to a membership database that is used exclusively by TST for outreach and communication, such as announcements, newsletters, and press releases.
Groups within The Satanic Temple maintain their own member, contact, and volunteer lists. None of these groups will ever share or use your information for purposes other than those you have explicitly consented to. No group within The Satanic Temple ever publishes lists or directories of members or volunteers. Any member and volunteer lists maintained by Congregations and Campaigns are primarily used for outreach and communication.
Candidates for ordination are required to register using their legal name, and if they complete the coursework they are required to submit to a background check and sign a packet of Minister Conduct Agreements using their legal name. Personally identifying information collected by the Ordination Council during this process is stored in an encryptid format on a database and server that are separate from any “web-facing” platforms used by our members or our clergy. The personally identifying information that ordination candidates provide and any data that becomes associated with during their ordination with The Satanic Temple is only ever used for internal identification and verification purposes, and is never shared with any other party for any reason.