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  2. Tell me about getting ordained!
  3. I do not live in an area with a local congregation. Will The Satanic Temple still ordain me?

I do not live in an area with a local congregation. Will The Satanic Temple still ordain me?

Yes. Bear in mind that you must have some record of active participation in our community to successfully become ordained by The Satanic Temple. The easiest way to achieve this is to go to local congregation meetings. If that is not available to you, make sure you are active and recognizable as a volunteer for one of our campaigns, or are active in some other capacity. Make ties to the community, and reach out to ordained ministers of our community. One of the requirements for successful completion of the ordination program is to have an ordained member of leadership within The Satanic Temple send a Letter of Approval on your behalf to the Ordination Council. The person writing the letter does not need to know you in a face-to-face context; however, they must know you well enough to state with confidence that you are an active participant in our community.

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